Key points:
1. Truth about getting faster
- Genetics are the most important determinant of sprinting potential. It can take a world class sprinter five to ten years or even longer to reach his/her potential.
- Speed is an acquired skill- in order for an athlete to reach their full sprinting potential, they have to work hard to develop a number of key athletic qualities, including: Technique and Posture, Neuromuscular Recruitment, Maximal Strength, and Flexibility for Increased-Range-of-Motion
- Speed training should be sport specific since not all sports need their athlete to sprint "all out" in a 100 meter sprint. Athletes rarely sprint no more than 10-20m maximum on the field. Only for specific situations such as a breakaway in soccer or a long pass in football will an athlete sprint come into play (no more than 30-40 meters).
- The optimal body position for sprinting is a lean body position which is 45 degreews from the ground. The athletes body will become more upright as the athlete accelerates throughout the sprint (happens beyond 15-20 meters) and the running stride begins to lengthen.\
- Push up Start- can be performed slowly or in one quick motion. Start off by having the athlete lay on the ground in a push up position and have them step forward with one foot under or behind the hip
- Med-Ball Push Start- Used to develop starting strength and overall power. Athlete hold a medicine ball under his/her chin in a crouch posture. The athlete then falls forward and launches the ball forward.
- Falling Start- Allows the athlete to accelerate in a relaxed form. This drill focuses on good technical execution. In a semi-crouched position, both hands are in front of the athlete to ensure more weight is distributed forward. The athlete then begins to fall forward and fires the hand on the same side of the front foot to help the body move forward.
- To become faster, you must train 95-100 percent effort to make advances in your sprinting speed. You need to recruit your fast twitch muscle fibers to move your body quickly and by doing this you must train your brain to do so.
- Don't rush through a speed workout. You must give yourself adequate rest time to recover from a sprint (90 seconds). Don't do two sprint workouts on consecutive days. It takes 48 hours for your nervous central system to recover from a high intensity sprinting training.
- Running against a teammate or chasing someone will is a good motivator to make yourself run faster.
- The total volume for individual sprint workouts should not exceed 300m because the neuromuscular system becomes very fatigued for the average team sport athlete. The body can't consistently put out 100% effort and the technique becomes sloppy.
- In order to accelerate, you must be able to exert your own body weight Squatting, lunging, jumping develops leg strength while push-ups, pull-ups, and dips prepare the upper body for the rigours of sprinting. Various abdominal exercises can be done to help the hip flexors develop the required hip strength for driving the knees up for accelerating.
- squats, pulls, and press free weight exercises are also a good way to develop the strength and coordination required for sprinting.
- Jump exercises and medicine ball throws are effective means of trainingstarting strength and explosiveness. If using jumps (plyometrics), a gradual progression of workto ensure the athletes don't overuse or stress injuries particularly in the feet, ankles and knees.
- There are 3 phases of jumping workouts. Phase 1 (3-6 weeks) These jumping workouts are performed onto some form of box, platform or step. Have the athlete jump onto a box and step down onto a step. This works on their explosiveness.
- Phase 2 (3 to 5 weeks) Jumps in this phase are done for distance across the gym floor, rubberized surfaces or grass/turf field. They can consist of jumps over hurdles, cones oe other safe obstacles.
- Phase 3 (3 to 6 weeks) These jumps focus on elastic strength and rebounding off the ground after jumping down from a height. The athlete should be starting at very low heights (10-12 inches). The athlete should rebound off the ground quickly after jumping off from the box.
- Medicine ball throws can be used as preparatory work for jump training. medicine ball throws can be an effective way for developing starting and acceleration abilities. Overhead throws and push throws are two common explosive throws.
- Maintaining a stretching and flexibility program is one of the less strenous ways of making yourself a faster sprinter. There are two ways to run faster: increasing stride frequency, and increasing stride length.
- As your flexibility increases, you will be more accustomed to apply force over the increased range of motion and, generate more force over each sprinting stride.