Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Importance of Controlled Hip Mobility.

In "The importance of controlled hip mobility", by Micheal Davis, discusses the issues of hip mobility.  The one thing that caught my attention the most was the fact he mentioned that our spine gradually becomes deformed as we sit for prolonged periods of time. Lower back pain is so prevalent these days due to many office jobs a majority of the population has.  Sitting all causes ligaments and muscles to shorten which leads to a decreased hip mobility. This lack of flexibility causes an anterior tilt at the pelvis and puts more stress on the lower back.  Hip mobility is an important trait to have for any individual to avoid disabilities in the long run of their lives. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Reflections on Maximum Sprred Sprinting Technique

         Sprinting is seen as a simple natural activity, however, it is more technical and intricate than it really is.  This article talks about the propper techniques of sprinting and goes through step by step how the mechanics corielate to acceleration. It also metions some interesting facts such as taking up to ten years for an elite sprinter to fully reach their best based on their technique.
        I find it important to teach athletes at a young age the proper technique of sprinting, no matter what sport.  With the foundation of proper form and techniqe, athletes will have less to learn and will be more quick to adapt to their chosen sport.