Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Workouts or the week


Box Squats 5x10
Leg Press 4x10
Lunges 3x10
Hamstring Curls 3x20
Quad Extensions 3x15
Dumbbell Curls 4x10
Barbell Wide Grip Bent Over Row 4x10

Tuesday, Chest/Triceps:

Bench Press 5x 15, 10, 8 ,8 ,6
Incline Bench 4x8
Skull Crushers 4x10, 8, 8, 6
Decline Bench Press 4x8
Tricep Push Down 4x15, 15, 10 ,10
Dumbbell Pull Over 3x10
Cable Flies 4x10
Abs 3x45 (Crunches, bicycles, side to side)

Wednesday, Shoulders/Legs:

Barbell Shoulder Press 3x8
Dumbelle Shoulder Press 4x10
Seated Lateral Raises 5x10
Up-Right Rows 4x10
Dumbbell Front Raise 4x10
Barbell Shrugs 4x10
Box Squats 4x20
Dead Lifts 3x10
Calves 4x15

Thursday, Arms/Abs

EZ Bar Curls 4x10, 8, 8, 6
Reverse Curls with EZ Bar 3x10, 8, 6 (Slow)
Over Head Pull Overs 4x15, 15, 10, 10
Weighted Dips 4x10
Grip Machine 4x20
Hammer Curls 4x10 (slow)
Russian Twists 4x35
Hanging Leg Raise 3x15

Friday, Back/Legs:

Run 1 mile
RDLs 3x10
Front Squats 4x8
Lower Back Extensions 4x10
Weighted Pull Ups 5x10
Lat Pull Down
Seated Rowing Machine 4x10
Dumbbell One Arm Rows
Back Flies with Cables 4x10
Standing Lat Pull Downs 4x10

Saturday, Run/Abs

Run 1.5 miles
Cable Crunches 3x30
Leg Raises with Weight 3x25
Cable Swings (each side) 3x20

Sunday, Stretch/Rest

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Basic Workout Program (Assignment 2)

1.) Exercise Bank (in addition to the current FAU exercise bank)

Dynamic Warm up
-Side Leg Swings
-Laying Toe Touches (laying on the ground while swinging leg to opposite arm)

Hurdle Complex
-One Leg Lateral Step Over (holding onto a fence or a stationary object, have one leg swing over the hurdle perpendicularly over the hurdle and repeat)

Horizontal Push
-Decline Push-Up
-Incline Push up

Lower Body Push
-Band Squats
-Calve Raises 

-Bench Dips with Feet Elevated

-Thick Rope Pull-Ups

-Cable Crunches

Lower Body Template

Warming up the hips before a lower body workout is crucial in order to get the full effect of a lower body workout.  Strong legs needs a strong hip to go along with it in order for full power of explosiveness to occur, which is why the hips are just as important to exercise.  Exercising the gluteus medialis is crucial to prevent pulls of the hamstrings. It's purpose is to stabilize and support the weight of an individual. A strong gluteus medialis prevents other muscles of the lower body such as the hamstrings from supporting more than it needs to.  Lower body injuries usually occur because of a neglected gluteus medialis.  So, note to mind, the hips and the gluteus medialis should always be incorporated in a lower body workout.  Muscles are all correlated with each other, therefore, a evenly balanced anatomy will have few to no problems at all.

Warm up: 
-Double Leg/Single leg Hip Raises x15 (two feet, left leg raised, right leg raised)
-Forward/backward knee circles both legs x20
-Mountain climbers for 25 seconds
-Side leg raises x20 each leg

-Glute medial laying raise x 20
-Glue medial side walk (slow and tiny steps) for 25 yards
-Glute medial walk (slow) for 25 yards

Multi Joint Exercises:
-Box squats 4 x 10

Assistance Exercises

Posterior Chain:
-Romanian Dead Lifts 3 x 10

Single Leg:
-Assisted single leg band squat 3 x 10 each leg

Extra Assistance:
-Back extensions 3 x 10

-Seated calve raises 3 x 15

Hip Mobility:
-Good Morning with green band

-Foam Roll (quads, hamstrings)
-Toe Touches 2 x 20 Seconds (hamstring stretch)
-Groiners (each leg for 20 seconds with hips pushing down to ground)

Upper Body Template
I emphasize on stretching after each workout, especially the upper body after an upper body exercise because it's just as important as warming up and building it.  Avid stretching for maximum flexibility of the shoulders, back, triceps and biceps will allow growth of muscularity as well with the ability for full range of motion for optimum sport performance.  

Warm Up:
-Jumping Jacks x 20
-Seal Jacks x 20
-Push Ups x 10

-Band Pull-A-parts x 20
- Y-T-W's x 20
-Pull to Face 3x15

Muti Joint Exercises:
-Bench Press 4x10

Assisted Exercises

Upper Back:
-Pull Ups 4 sets of 10 (with weighted vest or assistance with green bands)

-Dips (with weighted vest/waist belt with weight or with someone's assistance holding legs)

-Seated overhead Dumbbell Press 4x10

-EZ Bar Curls 4x10

-Grip Machine 3x15

-Triceps Overhead Stretch 2x20 seconds (each arm)
-Reverse Arm Stretch with partner (extend both arms to sides while partner pulls it back to stretch)
-Shoulder Barbell Stretch 2x20 seconds (hold onto a barbell resting on a rack while bringing elbows up as high as you can)

2.) Modifying and applying a workout to a group of athletes

A.)  Splitting a group of 50 baseball players into two groups of upper and lower body workouts is the most efficient way I can think of for an a smooth time management in the weight room.  With the eight Power Racks we have at the gym, four will be set up to box squats and the other half for bench press.  Each group will have 25 individuals. Each group from both exercise teams will have seven groups of three and one of four baseball players.  There will be exercise stations assigned to each mini groups of the upper and lower body groups.  Each team will rotate to their next station after finishing their assigned station.  For example, 4 mini groups of the lower body group will be at the power racks doing squats while 4 mini groups of the same body part group are doing "Good Mornings" with green bands on the band station.  After each mini groups are finished with their workouts, they will move to their next station.

B.)  If I were training a basketball and a cross country team on legs given the same time frame, I would put the basketball team into a moderate repetition (3 sets of 10) exercise regime using the squat racks with weights and put the cross country runners into a high repetition set of workout using bands.  Both sport incorporates endurance from the athletes.  Basketball requires more of an explosive action of movement, which targets fast twitch muscles therefore putting them on a regime of moderate repetition sets of weighted squats will target their necessary muscles as well with incorporating some endurance training along with it.  Cross country requires mostly slow twitch muscle from it's athletes.  Putting them on a light weight or band exercise regime with high repetition will target those muscles they need.  Splitting the two sports into two different muscle exercises will allow efficiency in the weight room along with having the two teams coincide harmoniously.

3.) First experience impression of internship

I knew very little about the time frame strength and conditioning coaches worked in a day,  I was exhausted after my first week of working almost 12 hour days for almost all of the first 5 of this internship.  I knew what to expect in the training aspect as well with the motivational, inspiration, and intensity that was required with coaching athletes, but it skipped my mind about the the work of maintaining the equipment and facility along with the tedious computer data entries were so prominent in the daily tasks of this career.  Luckily, there are interns for that duty.  So far I am enjoying my time at this internship.  I enjoy the time i spend with the people I work with as well with learning new information about exercise and training on the spot.  I'm looking forward to implementing my own training regimes to the sports teams I got assigned to.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Workout log for the week.

Wednesday, LEGS:

Machine Squats 5 sets of 10
Leg Press 5 sets of 10
Dumbbell Lunges 3 sets of 10
Hamstring Curls 3 sets of 15
Quad Raises 3 sets of 12
Calf Raises 3 sets of 20

Thursday, Back/Triceps:

Pull ups 5 sets of 10 with 30 lbs weight
Lat Pull down 4 sets of 10
Dumbbell Row 3 sets of 12
Tricep Push Down 4 sets of 15
Weighted Dips 3 sets of 13
Back Extensions 3 sets of 15 with weight
Seated Row Machine 4 sets of 10
Dead lifts 3 sets 10
Abs 3 sets of 35 crunches, side to side, laying leg throws

Friday, Shoulders/Legs:

Barbell shoulder presses 3 sets of 10
Dumbbell shoulder presses 4 sets of 10
Lateral Raises with dumbbells 3 sets of 20
Up right rows with bar 4 sets of 10
Shoulder Shrugs 4 sets of 15
Neck Machine 4 sets of 10
Dumbbell front raises 4 sets of 10
Squats with barbell 3 sets of 20
Bent over row 3 sets of 10

Saturday, Chest/Biceps:

Bench Press 5 sets of 10, 8 ,8, 6, 4
Side Oblique raises 3 sets of 20
Decline Bench Press 4 sets of 10
Incline Bench Press 4 sets of 8
Preacher curls 4 sets of 10
Straight arm pull over with dumbbell 3 sets of 10
Cable flies 4 sets of 10
Dumbbell curls 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 6
Abs 3 sets of 35 crunches, bicycles, side crunches

Sunday, Full body workout (light):

Run 1 mile on tredmill
RDL's 3 sets of 10
Push ups 3 sets of 25 on dumbbells
Front Squats 4 sets of 10
Calves raises 4 sets od 12 (slow)
Rear Deltoid raises with cable 3 sets of 10 (slow)
Foam Roll stretches
Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Getting acquainted with FAU and my training sessions.

I think I'm getting the hang of waking up at 6:30 in the morning every day from Monday-Friday... at least I hope I do.  Definitely a big change from getting up whenever I felt like for the past eight months of my time off from a learning enviornment.  I still have to find a gym to join apart from the FAU athletic gym.  Yes, it's convienient and it will save me money, but I tend to workout at random times and would like to escape to a different enviornment than work from time to time. Speaking of finding a gym, I need to get back into training hard ASAP!

Today's training: (All around body work)

1 mile run and mild stretching
- Abs 3 sets of 45 bicycles, crunches, toe toe touches
- Neck machine 2 sets of 10 (back, forward, sides)
- Calve raises 4 sets of 12 (slow)
- Pull-overs 4 sets of 10
- Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12
- Obliques 3 sets of 15
- Pull ups 3 sets of 15
- Bicep curls 4 sets of 10
- RDLs 3 sets pf 10
- Foam Rolls and stretches

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Personal goal for the semester

I could never really hold a handstand for longer than five seconds max.  I've always been able to do all sorts of acrobatic maneuvers though never fully balance myself upside down.  My goal this semester if to hold a handstand for at least fifteen seconds.  By getting there, I will practice five times a week during my time at t he gym for ten minutes.

Assignment #1 Researching the Web

10 points of information that I recently learned.

1.   I was first introduced to creatine during my freshman year of HS football.  Some of the upperclassmen took it for the right purposes for extra energy for short bursts of activity, but some groups of idiots took it for aesthetic purposes to look bigger.  I then took the initiative to research the supplement and educated myself about it and learned a lot.  There has been new studies about it however that I did not know. According to Dr. Rick Kreider in an article on TNation.com, creatine monohydrate has potent neuroprotective effects.  An emerging area of research points out that allowing football players to take creatine monohydrate will help with concussions, temperature regulation, and recovery as opposed to the false accusations of it leading to muscle cramps, dehydration, and impaired thermoregulation.

2.  My natural body type is an ectomorph and it's hard work for me to keep weight on.  Ever since I started noticing a change in the musculature of my body, I got addicted to weight training. According to a post in info.rogersathletic.com/get-strong, Sarcopenia is an age-related degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength.  There is a loss of 3-5% of muscle mass per decade for inactive people after the age of 30.  I may be a little vain in my appearance but am I vain enough to start taking steroids by the age of 30? I'm thinking aging gracefully is the way to go... no?

3. I've always heard my female friends say that they would hate to get too muscular from weight training.  They've always emphasized a lean and toned figure for what their ideal body image is, even if a little more mass would have helped them perform better on the field at their sport. Posted on info.rogersathletic.com, according to a study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2007, female high school athletes suffered 40 percent more concussions than males did.  A way to fixing this epidemic is to exercise the neck by strengthening the musculature around the cervical spine.

4. One problem I had during my high school and collegiate track career were my flimsy wrists.  I've neglected on strengthening them because I've always just focused on the bigger muscles.  In an article titled, Armwrestling—Pulling Big 1 by Jim Smith, CSCS, I encountered the exercise called the "thick  rope pull-ups" which I will be attempting to strengthen the musculature of my wrists.

5.  According to the article "Ten Fatal Flaws of Fitness Professionals", by Joe Giandonato in the site http://elitefts.com/, one major flaw is constantly training clients on machines.  Doing this works to destroy the natural mobility and stabilization of joints.  He mentions that a trainers' job is to teach people to move efficiently above all else which I concur to.

6.  I've always emphasized to my parents and four sisters that exercise and proper nutrition is key to a healthy life style to prevent any ailments.  According to "Osteoporosis, The Silent Epidemic", by Dr. Clay Hyght in the site http://johnberardi.com/articles/index.htmt, the decrease of testosterone and estrogen levels  begin to occur between the ages of 25-30, which in cause decreases mineral bone density that can lead to osteoporosis.  One of the best ways to precent it is to intake calcium and vitamin D.  

7.   A new workout I learned from thefitcasts.com is the Band Resisted Anti-Rotation Press.  This exercise is performed for core stability with the usage of a resisted band tied onto a stable pole. This is a good substitute exercise if a cable station is unavailable.

8.  In the mental toughness section of SBCoachescollege.com, an article posted my Jeremy Frisch discussed a book he read by Carol S. Dweck, PH.D that analyzed two mindsets.  One was a fixed mindset which is the type of mindset when an individual believes that their talents and abilities are simply fixed and that they only have a certain amount. This type of mindset leads an individual to being overly concerned with being and looking talented that they never fulfill their potential.  The other is a growth mindset which is the type of mindset when an individual think of talents and abilities as things they can develop through practice and perseverance.

9.  An article called Curcumin: The Next Big Superfood by Mike Roussell, PhD, on tnation.com talks about the new findings of turmeric, more specifically, one of its curcuminoids called curcumin is being established as one of the next big superfood.  Curcumin has been used in Asian medicines for centuries and it is only now that it is being recognized for helping one drop fat, deplete catabolism, better handle pesticides in foods, and live longer.  The only problem with it is that it doesn't absorb well.  Curcumin also acts to work with the biochemical processes of the body; as well with being identified as Anti-cancer, Anti-viral, Anti-arthritic, Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory.

10.  Another article on tnation.com about Curcumin called "Curcumin a Fat Burner?" by Tim Ziegenfuss, PhD suggest that ingesting 1-3 grams of curcumin per day will suppress fat-cell differentiation and increase fat oxidation.  Curcumin simultaneously provides protection against cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, prostate cancer, arthritis, symptoms of chronic fatigue as well as increase body composition.

My short term professional goals this spring

1.  Become more knowledgeable with sport specific exercises (soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball).
2.  Learn more about preventative exercises and memorize the ankle band exercises.
3.  Become proficient with training multiple sports teams in one day.
4.  Make a positive impact on the athletes I train.
5.  Successfully perform my duties as an intern at FAU.

My long term professional goals.

1.  Attain my Masters is Strength and Conditioning Coaching.

  • Get a GA position in a university after completing my internship
  • Attain my CSCS certification
  • Continue training athletes under the supervision of a head strength coach
  • Learn new exercises from other strength coaches to improve knowledge
  • Network with other strength coaches, interns, and people form the industry to possibly land a full time position after my education
2.  Become a head Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Apply my education and previous learning experiences to my career
  • Further my education in the field by doing experiments on exercises and supplements
  • Write a published book
  • Network with other strength coaches to spread my knowledge and learn theirs
  • Spread my knowledge to other aspiring strength coaches by hiring interns